This page contains important information and instructions concerning the SpiderOrbit and the client’s rights. Please read them carefully, as these terms and conditions state important requirements regarding your use of SpiderOrbit’s services.
By accessing our website at, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions for use of our service. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you will not be permitted to use our website or enter into any contracts with SpiderOrbit. Breaching our terms of use applicable under copyright and trademark laws may lead to legal action.


Certain terms defined in these Terms and Conditions are as follows:
“Client”: “Client” means you individually, any person, or any employer that you are acting on behalf of.
“ Provider ”: All references to the term “Provider” in this page refer to “SpiderOrbit.”
“Services or Service Plans”: All references to “Services or Service Plans” refer to any benefits or service contracts that you may enter into with SpiderOrbit.


1. The Client hereby authorizes the Provider to temporarily collect the required information (i.e., names, email addresses, and other general information) on SpiderOrbit’s website for personal, non-commercial, or transactional purposes.
2. The Client grants the Provider all rights necessary to collect any information needed to facilitate the requirements of the services chosen by the Client hereunder.
3. The Client agrees to comply with all reasonable requests of the Provider as necessary for rendering the Services.
4. The Clients shall not:

  • Modify or copy the materials provided to the Client by the Provider, except stated otherwise;
  • Attempt to reverse engineer the website design or development codes delivered by the Provider for unauthorized use;
  • Remove any copyright or other proprietary marks (i.e., trademarks, licenses) from the materials; or
  • Transfer the materials to other unauthorized parties

5. The agreement with the Provider shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these terms or may be terminated by SpiderOrbit at any time.


You may enter or subscribe to any of our service plans through the SpiderOrbit website or by talking to a SpiderOrbit sales representative. Once SpiderOrbit accepts your service order, you will get an email confirmation.
If the order is not accepted or canceled, SpiderOrbit will not be responsible for rendering services in connection with any such order. Your service plan will be activated after acceptance by SpiderOrbit.


Services under any service plan will be available upon payment completion, according to the requirements of the corresponding plan. SpiderOrbit is not liable for rendering services if payment has not been made.


We reserve the right to adjust or change the pricing for our services or any constituent thereof in any manner and at any time. We determine the pricing at our sole and absolute discretion. If there are any price amendments to your existing service, they will take effect following notice via email to you.

  • All sales are final.
  • A payment plan may include monthly payments or payment at project completion, as discussed upon the contract finalization. However, once a payment or deposit has been made, it is non-refundable.
  • Every digital marketing project demands extensive resources and internal expenses. Therefore, once the project has been started after the payment has been made, it is non-refundable.
  • All our digital marketing packages, including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Local SEO Services, Social Media Marketing, Web design & development, or any other customized online marketing packages, are non-refundable.
  • We do not offer any partial refunds for projects that are halfway through completion.
  • Our refund policy will not be altered in any way to accommodate any exceptions.
  • The Client must send us a cancellation notice at least (30 days) in advance. However, we do not offer any refunds for any projects that have already been started or delivered, or for any other miscellaneous charges.
  • If you subscribed to our services but did not make use of them, we will not refund in the case.
  • The agreed-upon services will continue to be billed as per the billing cycle until the client gives a written cancellation notice.

We may employ external services and individuals to perform functions on our behalf as and when necessary. Examples include- removing redundant information from client lists, analyzing data, processing credit card payments, and providing other client services. They have access to the personal data required to carry out their duties, but they are not permitted to use it for other purposes.


Information about our clients is an important part of our business, and we ensure its security as best as possible. We only share your information with entities that SpiderOrbit controls or collaborates with as needed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.